upload guide for designers
1. Upload
To upload your print go to: www,patternarium.com.br/account/upload
To access the page you need to be a collaborating designer, that is, to have been invited or to have your application approved.
You must send at least 1 .PNG/JPEG file and 1 .PSD file corresponding to the same design.
Upload one design at a time. DO NOT add different designs in the same upload.
Color variations must be sent in the same upload (see more in item 6).
2. File Names
It is recommended that you give the same name to the PNG/JPEG and PSD file
3. Technical Specifications: file size
The .PNG/JPEG file must be a maximum of 25mb.
The .PSD file must be a maximum of 1GB.
You can check the size of your file in Photoshop or by hovering your mouse over it within a folder.
When trying to send a file larger than allowed, the icon will become red and an exclamation mark will appear. Reduce the file size (maintaining the resolution at 300 dpi) and upload it again.
4. Technical specifications: file dimensions and resolution (dpi)
a) The .PNG/JPEG file must have a minimum size of 2000 x 2000 pixels and 300 dpi resolution.
b) The .PSD file must have a minimum size of 3500 x 3500 pixels and 300 dpi resolution.
If your .PNG/JPEG file is too heavy to send, you can reduce its size by reducing the size of the design, as long as you respect the minimum size limit (item "a" and "b") and continue with a resolution of 300 dpi.
You can send files with more than 300 dpi but we recommend the exact value of 300. Design submissions with a resolution lower than 300 dpi will not be approved.
c) Files must be in "pixel per inch". Files in "pixel per centimeter" will be refused.
5. Color Mode
a) All files must be in RGB color mode.
b) Check that there is no color variation between the .PNG/JPEG file and the file opened in .PSD. Files with differences in color, position of elements and other aspects will be rejected.
Item "b" does not apply to color variations.
6. Color variations
You may send prints with color variations as long as:
a) all variations are submitted in the same upload
b) the .PSD file contains the color variations grouped and organized
c) respect the maximum limit of 20 layers
d) send a .PNG/JPEG file to include each color variation available in the open .PSD file
Variations submitted in different uploads will be rejected.
7. Layers and organization
The file opened in .PSD must contain:
a) At least 2 layers (one for the elements and one for the background color). With rare exceptions that will be judged at the discretion of the review team.
b) Maximum 20 layers (groups are not considered layers. Adjustments, solid color and others are considered layers)
- If your file contains only one layer, DO NOT add a layer just to fulfill requirement "a". The design team will judge it as a single-layer file and decide whether or not it makes sense, within the context of creation, to approve the design.
- Organize the layers of your file, eliminating all those that are not necessary.
- Group color variations. For background color variations, create a layer for each one.
- Rename your layers for better identification. Avoid leaving layers "layer 32 copy 4" or names too long.
8. Public domain, artificial intelligence or third party property
It is permitted to use public domain elements (illustrations) and/or artificial intelligence as long as:
a) You indicate in the design description the use of public domain and/or artificial intelligence;
b) As provided in the Designer Terms and Conditions, you guarantee that these elements are indeed in the public domain;
c) You have commercially licensed the use of images generated by artificial intelligence;
d) You choose non-exclusive (commercial) licensing for the design. Designs in the public domain and/or artificial intelligence cannot be licensed as exclusive. If you select this option when uploading, your design will not be approved.
- The use of stock images is not permitted. Stock images, even freely used ones, can actively belong to someone. Therefore, you cannot (under any circumstances) use them in the designs submitted to the patternarium collection.
- Prints with elements from stocks will be refused. If, for any reason, the design is approved, it is the designer's full responsibility to bear the consequences of improper use.
- Do not use characters, film excerpts, music, books or any other type of material protected by copyright.
9. Text
You can use texts, words and letters in your prints as long as:
a) You have the right to explore commercial use of the font;
b) Use your own handwriting or font;
c) Rasterize the text.
- Prints with non-rasterized texts will be rejected.
- Do not watermark the artwork (our team will do this), logo, link or social media @.
9.1 Avoid using the word "print" in the title and ALL CAPS in the design name when it is not extremely necessary.
9.2 You can name your designs in both Portuguese and/or English. The same applies for the name of the layers. Make sure, when using another language, that the spelling is correct.
10. Duplicidade
Caso o designer faça mais de um upload da mesma estampa com informações diferentes (ou iguais), será considerado apenas o primeiro envio e os demais serão descartados sem notificação via e-mail.
10. Non approved designs
If your print is not approved, you can correct the problems pointed out by our team and resend the files. Except for designs not approved with the following feedback: "does not fit what we are looking for for the collection at the moment".
You can check below a list of the most common feedbacks to better understand the reason for the refusal of your design.
It does not fit what we are looking for in the collection at the moment:
Your artwork does not meet the commercial requirements our clients are currently seeking. We recommend that you rework the design (colors, composition, etc.) or wait for the next trends to send it again.
Rapport error:
- One or more elements are not fitting correctly
- Severed elements (missing pieces)
- "White line" or some other color
Technical specifications:
- .PNG/JPEG or .PSD file does not meet the minimum dimension requirements (item 4)
- .PNG/JPEG or .PSD file does not meet the minimum resolution requirements (item 4)
- .PSD file does not meet the maximum layer quantity requirements (item 7)
- Pixel per centimeter (item 4)
- Single layer file
- Poorly organized or confusing file
- Color profile is not RGB in one or more files (item 5)
- Difference between .PNG/JPEG and .PSD (item 5)
- Color variations are not correctly recorded (item 6)
We do not accept vector files:
- We are currently not accepting vector files. You will be able to resubmit vector designs once we are accepting Illustrator (.ai) files
Problems in finishing or finalizing the print:
- Elements do not meet cleaning and background removal expectations
- Pixelated or low quality element
Duplicate file:
- You sent the same file twice
- You sent color variation in separate uploads
Image bank:
- Improper use of image banks (item 8)
- Use of public domain or artificial intelligence not indicated in the description (item 8)
- Improper use of third-party content (item 8)
Problem with the design rapport:
- Unnecessary elements outside the canvas
- Non-commercial kidnapping technique
- Unnecessary elements outside the canvas
- Unnecessary layers
- Pattern preview active (do not save your pattern with pattern preview enabled)
- Hidden files (do not save your print with all layers turned off.
- The files sent must contain only the rapport. No repetitions. Check out the examples:

The image on the left is the correct version that must be sent. The image on the right will not be accepted because the rapport is repeated.
Remember that our team does not modify the files sent by designers (with the exception of including watermarks and applying it to mockups for the exhibition of the product on the website). Therefore, even if it is necessary to adjust just a small detail in the file, our team will not accept the design and you must resend the file after correction if you wish to make it available on our platform.
It is important that the collaborating designer respects the upload requirements. These requirements are important to ensure the easy use of files and the satisfaction of our end customer.
Important: The designs are checked in the following order: first, we analyze whether the theme of the print and artwork finish meets our minimum standard. Then, if the design has color variations, whether these variations were sent correctly. Next, we check file size and resolution. Next, number of layers. Finally, rapport and other technical details.
Therefore, if your design is rejected because it is the wrong size pattern (for example), it does not mean that the other items are meeting our requirements. When we identify that the design is not meeting any of the initial requirements (following this checking order), we stop the review process and refuse the design. Therefore, make sure that your submitted work meets ALL the requirements.
We receive many designs daily and it is not possible to check if there is a second error when we have already identified the first. The designer is responsible for ensuring that the artwork meets the standards required on this page. If you have any questions about how to carry out the procedures mentioned in this Guide, you can ask your teachers or mentors for help, as well as look for tutorials on the internet.